Trail has the responsibility of storing very confidential information about people's assets and finances. We take great care to ensure that our security measures are sufficient for this sensitive task.
In this document we highlight our key security practices which we feel provide the most value to our clients.
Information assets can only be used in ways which ensure the integrity and safety of data and operational systems.
We use industry leading cloud infrastructure to keep the information you store in Trail secure.
Trail has a robust policy for classifying information such that it can be handled appropriately.
Trail CRM is a cloud service and relies heavily on other cloud services. This means that the integrity of our data is outsourced to dependable companies like Microsoft and Google.
At Trail we closely follow NIST guidelines for internal password protection. Protection of our own passwords is important for maintaining the security of the infrastructure that stores and transfers your data.
Security incidents are managed through a standard process that allows us to use incidents as an opportunity to improve the business.
We have multiple policies that ensure that we maintain a good level of personal security.
For more information you can send us a message to or through Intercom. You can also take a look at our privacy policy.
If you want to report a security issue with our software please send an email to You can also view our security.txt file, which contains a link to our public PGP key.